Frank Gruber – Naturfotografie | Website updated

Frank Gruber – Naturfotografie | Website updated

Finally, after a long time my updated website: Frank Gruber – Nature Photography is now online with quite a few nature photos from Germany and parts of Europe!

After a long odyssey, looking for a web developer, I took the redesign of my website into my own hands.
The decisive factor was the recommendation of my photo colleague Torsten from ATELIER 70, who also created his homepage himself. Torsten, I would like to thank you very much for that!

Etliche Recherchestunden im world wide web, diverse Anbieterseiten von Themes angeschaut und einige getestet. But now the updated website is created and online.
I really like the presentation options of the pages and images of the theme. Especially the possibility to show the photos in an appealing format as well. I then made some adjustments myself. In addition, the website is now also available online in English, which also makes me very happy.
Mit diesem Ergebnis steht fest, dass die nächste Aktualisierung der Website mit Fotos aus der Naturfotografie wieder von mir erfolgt.
The pleasure I got from creating it and the result convinced me that the chosen path is and was the right one!

New on the website is also the blog, here, as usual, the individual contributions can be commented. Looking forward to many constructive contributions!
The posts are to announce the new nature photography images uploaded to the website.

There are still some pictures missing in the galleries but they will be uploaded in time. There are already some known and new nature photos from e.g. Germany online!

At this point I would like to point out the gallery White Stork, the pictures were taken in 2020 in a biosphere reserve. In my opinion, it contains some expressive images of Master Adebar.

So, feel free to drop by every now and then and enjoy the captured moments from our nature!


Best regards,

Frank Gruber

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