About Me

My name is Frank Gruber and I was born in the mid-sixties in northern Germany. The interest for nature photography is based on the one hand on the ornithological excursions with my brother and on the other hand on the school subject photography. With my first camera and the first long focal length lens, I first took pictures of animals on slide film around my parents’ home. Quite some time later and standing in the professional life I came to my first photo equipment with an autofocus camera. Über die Jahre durfte ich meine Ausrüstung dann weiter ausbauen und auch die ersten europäischen Fotoreisen konnten unternommen werden. With this, it was then also possible for me to capture the macro world in pictures. Photo destinations at the time were the Camargue in southern France, the bird cliffs of Scotland, Sweden’s sunny island of Öland and Texel in the Netherlands.

Later, trips to South Florida and Canada to the Rocky Mountains and its national parks followed. Today, I mainly take photographs in my home country of northern Germany. But every now and then I’m still drawn to photographing in other European countries.

Since 2002 I am a member of the Society for Nature Photography (GDT).

My special interest in nature photography is native mammals and our feathered friends. With my pictures I would like to capture the experience of nature and at the same time show its beauty to promote understanding and preservation of nature.

I hope you enjoy browsing and viewing the pictures on my website!
Please check back often to see the new pictures!

Frank Gruber – Nature Photography